
Leave a lasting legacy

Help the Ministry Continue Long Into the Future.

The Sayre Christian Village Endowment Fund was designed as a nonprofit organization to receive and administer donations to Sayre Christian Village.

Our Fund provides support for campus improvements, financial assistance programs for residents, special community activities, and more.

How It Works

  • CHOOSE HOW YOU WANT TO GIVE by customizing your gift agreement by designating a specific ministry at Sayre Christian Village to receive your gift over a period of time.
  • Timing and the amount of the distribution can be tailored to meet your specific ministry goals.

Our endowment fund is managed by our trusted board who is tasked with investing the funds and ensuring the distributions support your charitable intent.

winning an award

Donor Spotlight

“If we’ve got some where we can help each other or help other people, that’s what we’re supposed to do!”

Ways to Make a Gift

Donations to the Sayre Christian Village Endowment Fund enhance our community and the lives of those who live on our beautiful campus!

  • CASH

All gifts are tax-deductible and can be made in memory or in honor of a special individual.

Contact Elise Hinchman, VP of Marketing & Development for information. 

Make donations in the form of a check payable to: Sayre Christian Village .

Please indicate 'Endowment Fund' with the gift designation on the memo line: Life Enhancing Gifts, Spiritual Enrichment, Campus Improvement, or Discretionary Account.

Sayre Christian Village
3775 Belleau Wood Drive
Lexington, KY 40517

Gift Designations

enjoying a good book

Life Enhancing Gifts

Donations ensure eligible residents will maintain their dignity and have a home for life in our community even if they outlive their financial assets. This fund provides confidential assistance to residents.

Spiritual Enrichment

Spiritual Enrichment

Financial contributions designated to the spiritual fund support our mission to provide enhanced spiritual nourishment for residents, families, and staff members at Sayre Christian Village.

Campus Improvement

Campus Improvement

Donations provide funding for campus enhancements. Projects previously supported by this fund include tennis courts, landscaping projects, and building renovations.

arts and crafts

Discretionary Account

This account provides funding for other programs or projects that benefit residents of Sayre Christian Village.

Board of Directors

The Endowment Fund is managed by the Board of Trustees, which consists of 12 members serving (a certain number of years) terms. Our board is composed of members of the Sayre Christian Board of Directors as well as (other members).

Biff Buckley, President/Board Chair
Dee Herndon , Vice President
Nancy Skiba, Treasurer
Tom Hurtz, Secretary

Ben Allen, Director
Butch Hardy III, Director
Kennetha Keineth, Director
J.L. Lynn, Director
Jerry Kelly, Director

Ron Ring, Director
Jeff Yeary, Director
Doug Flynn, Director
Wayne Logan, Director
Gary Coleman, Director

Frequently Asked Questions

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Ways You Can Help


Your contributions are the reason Sayre Christian Village is able to provide hope, housing & healthcare to our community for 35+ years.


Give The Gift Of Your Time.
We welcome individuals interested in devoting some of their time to the residents of SCV!


The mission of SCV is to serve Lexingtons older adult population as a nonprofit senior living community that provides hope, housing, and healthcare.

Contact Us

Have any questions about living at the Sayre Christian Village? Do you want to know why Sayre Christian Village is "A Great Place to Call Home"? Call us or fill out the form for more information!

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